Website Warranty Information

After launch of all websites, a warranty is usually provided.
The length and provisions of the warranty are determined by the hosting provider and hosting plan.

Note: This is not an offer of warranty, but a public information page to provide an example of the sort of warranty provided by us. Warranties will be issued on Delivery of an order, so keep that email safe. Our warranties and are subject to change without notice between engagement of an order, delivery and issuance of a Warranty. 

Standard Warranty Periods

These are standard warranty periods, however may vary between packages.

  • Websites hosted by SiteBites
    (i.e. Where the website is hosted by us after delivery of the work).


    • New Websites (produced by us) – Six months from the launch date on our hosting.*
    • Migrated Websites (migrated to us and built by someone else) – Two weeks from the launch date on our hosting.
    • Other Website work – Two weeks from the launch/publication date on our hosting.
  • Websites hosted by 3rd Parties
    (i.e. Where the website is not hosted by us after delivery of the work).


    • New Websites (produced by us) – Two weeks from the launch date on the 3rd party hosting.

* This may change for websites with Administrator users, so please discuss this with us if you would like full access to the site.

Warranty Provisions

1) Within the Warranty Period

Within the Warranty Periods listed above, we will fix your website if it breaks, subject to a few minor exclusions and definitions, which are outlined below.

A few exclusions:

  1. Third Party software updates
    Problems caused by updates rolled out by third parties after we launch a website cannot always be covered by the warranty, as these updates are completely beyond our control; e.g. updates to the WordPress core software, themes, and plugins, and to your computer operating system and browsers. We’ll try to include it and will let you know on a case-by-case basis.
    Engaging our ProCare extended support & maintenance service agreement is the best way to handle these for complex websites.
  2. Functionality/Feature Development
    Whilst we fix ‘production snags’ (mistakes or omissions by us), anything that you discover is not working as you wish after launch, but is not technically broken, cannot be covered by the Warranty. We therefore advise you to test the website thoroughly before launch.
  3. User Error-related issues
    Problems caused by actions of one of the website’s users cannot be covered by the Warranty, unless that user was one of us, obviously.

If something is not listed here and you are uncertain, please ask us.

2) After the Warranty expires

In summary, once the Warranty has expired, all work is chargeable, except that which is specifically included in the chosen Managed Hosting plan or service agreement.
All our hosting plans include limited investigation time for problems, and our higher hosting plans also include time to liaise with third parties to try to achieve a resolution for you, in the event the problem is caused by them or their software.

Extended Warranties

Extended Warranties are usually available to websites hosted by us on SelfServe or PersonalAssistant hosting plans, please contact us to ask for details.

The same provisions apply to Extended Warranties as with initial warranties.

3rd Party Hosting

Where a website is hosted by a third party provider, all work is chargeable, including investigation time, as third party hosting environments are out of our control.

Production Snags (N.B.)

It is important to reiterate that once the Warranty Period has expired, even ‘production snags’ (i.e. mistakes or omissions on our part), are chargeable.
All of our websites undergo thorough Quality Assurance testing during production and immediately after launch, before the Warranty Period begins. However we strongly advise our customers to test all areas of website functionality as well, with a fresh pair of eyes, as soon as possible after delivery and during the Warranty Period.

3) Voiding the Warranty

This Warranty would be considered void under the following conditions:

  1. If a third party performs any work on the website.
  2. If you (the Customer) perform any development work on the website (including, but not limited to, plugins, theme, code).
  3. If the website is moved away from our hosting.

4) Note about ProCare

Websites covered by SiteBites ProCare, will benefit from higher priority support during and beyond the Warranty, as well as other benefits. Contact Us for more information on SiteBites ProCare.